Sponsored Parent Visa

Sponsored Parent Visa

This visa lets parents of a settled Australian citizen or permanent resident to stay in Australia for a period of up to 10 years.

This visa lets parents of a settled Australian citizen, permanent resident (PR) or eligible New Zealand citizen to stay in Australia temporarily for a period of up to 3 or 5 years. Applicants can apply for a second 5-year visa after departing Australia for a period of at least 90 consecutive days.

Applications for this visa are open from 1 July 2019 and Parent Sponsor must be approved before an application can be lodged.


  • meet health and character requirements
  • have a child who is an Australian citizen, PR or a New Zealand citizen at least 18 years old
  • have an approved Parent sponsor who is be the biological, adoptive, or step child of the parent
  • have genuine access to funds sufficient to meet the costs and expenses of intended stay in Australia
  • maintain adequate health insurance for the duration of the stay in Australia
  • pay visa application charges


  • visa applicants cannot include their family members in visa application
  • current or previous visa holders who have not departed Australia are prevented from applying for permanent parent visas
  • ‘no work’ condition is applied
Only two parents per family can be sponsored at any one time. Visa application must be lodged within 6 months of the sponsorship approval.

Parent Sponsor Requirements

  • be the biological, adoptive, or step child of the parent, the parent of a deceased spouse or de facto parent
  • be an Australian citizens, PR or a NZ citizen and be at least 18 years old
  • have a minimum household taxable income of AU$83,454.80
  • have no debts to the Commonwealth or outstanding public health debts
  • pay sponsorship application fee
  • not required to provide sponsorship bond

Parent Sponsor Obligations

  • support sponsored parents financially and provide accommodation
  • be liable for any outstanding public health debts incurred by a parent before they depart Australia or are granted a permanent visa
  • keep and provide records when requested
  • notify the Department when certain events occur eg if a sponsor is charge with or convicted of an offence, becomes the subject of an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) or incurs a debt to the Commonwealth
  • agree to disclose the sponsor’s criminal or family violence history or conviction to the sponsored parent prior to sponsorship approval
  • agree to sharing of information with other Commonwealth and State and Territory agencies

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