Murri School Artists

Murri School Artists
The Murri School is an Aboriginal and Islander Independent Community School in Acacia Ridge, Queensland. It was established in 1986 with an aim to promote the development of Indigenous students as independent and skilled people. In 1987, the school received full registration status with the Queensland Department of Education, which certified its application requirements with the Association of Independent Schools of Queensland and agreement with the Commonwealth. School’s vision statement is “In respect of our peoples, our culture, our land, we foster an inclusive learning environment which promotes empowerment, identity and success through education.”

Art Exhibition

Visual Arts is one of the subjects taught at the school and students’ work is inspired by the learnings of prominent traditional and contemporary Indigenous artists. The students’ artworks vary in subject matter depending on the year of study and art themes may range from abstract self portraits to Indigenous symbolism.

The first art exhibition was held in the School hall in December of 2011 and was a great success. Since then the Murri School holds an annual art exhibition “Modern Ochres” during the end of each school year to showcase the students’ artwork. The numbers of visitors attending the event continue to grow year after year and so does the number of artwork purchases. In 2018 students sold their artwork to the sum of AU$3,450 and individual pieces ranged in price from AU$40 to AU$170.

In 2011 senior Murri School students created artworks themed as the 2011 NAIDOC theme “Change: The next step is ours”. Their work inspired a number of artworks that is currently used on this website and photo reproductions of a few 2011 and other years artworks were published on this website in the past. We are grateful to Murri School artists for their work and to Robert Cobb, deputy principal and art teacher, for the permission to use the selected artworks of his students. This acknowledgement is a small token of our appreciation and we hope it will help to promote the Murri School students’ artwork and the Australian Indigenous Art as a whole.

People interested in attending the “Modern Ochres” art exhibition can visit the Murri School at Acacia Ridge, Queensland, Australia or contact the school by Phone Facebook Email.